Digital Technology and Cyber Safety

Every student at our school is equipped with a digital device for learning, giving them access to the wider world. Our school resourcing of 1-1 devices provides the opportunity for our students to develop digital responsibility and cyber citizenship throughout the school year. As per the current digital technology curriculum, our focus is on:

‘Teaching our children how to design their own digital solutions and become creators of, not just users of, digital technologies, to prepare them for their future.’

Our school provides digital experiences for students to develop computational thinking for digital technologies. We encourage our students to design and develop digital outcomes by integrating digital technology within all other learning areas. See the table below for examples of how we achieve this at Waimārama School.

Science, Technology, Social Studies Te Reo Literacy Maths Arts Health & PE
BBC kids Māori Dictionary Pobble Mathletics Paint Video Exemplars
Graphic Organisers Sound Check Letter Land IXL Scratch Jnr Photography
Emails Coding Reading Eggs Prodigy Music Timer
Phone an Expert Stories on-line Epic Maths Slide Images Presentations
Tutorials Twinkle Resource Publishing Skoolbo Filming/Recording Power Point
Stop Motion Tuku Tuku Panels Book Creator Coding Fit Bit Into The Book Banqer Drumming Stop Watch
Sunshine Online Weaving Microsoft 365 Calculator You Tube Sign Language Channel Research

At the beginning of every year our students engage in an age and stage appropriate cyber safety programme of work selected by the classroom teacher using resources available on TKI and Twinkl. Our teachers provide access to lessons that enhance our student’s confidence to communicate effectively and participate safely online.

Our classrooms are well resourced for computational thinking with crafting stations that promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) learning. Students at our school experience daily

Opportunities to design, develop and communicate technological outcomes through student and teacher led inquiry. All staff and students access training through ICT support that enhances their capabilities in digital technologies. Some digital technologies are rotated annually to maintain high levels of student engagement.