Kids Can, Breakfast Club, Milk and Fruit
Breakfast Club
We have a breakfast club that is set up every morning with Weet-Bix, milk and fruit. A student breakfast monitor does this.
Brain Food
Is always made available in the class, there is just one rule, students must sit at the brain food station if they are having a snack. All staff are expected to adhere to the duty roster to ensure effective monitoring of food intake is happening for students, especially those with dietary requirements.
Bought Lunches
On Friday lunch orders are available, thanks to Waimārama Store. Order forms are available from the office, and need to be at the office before 9.00am, with money enclosed. The lucky ticket winner from Thursday morning assembly gets to choose a bought lunch on Friday.
Eating time at School
Children must be seated under the shade house or on the veranda. They must take their own rubbish back home in their lunch box, including ‘Kids Can’ rubbish so their whanau can see what they have eaten at school. Everyone remains seated for approximately three songs. There are some junior students that need a little longer. They have the support of a teacher aide to help them focus on eating their kai.
Fruit in Schools
We have fresh fruit delivered to our school once a week. This fruit is always made available to students.
Heating up lunch from School
Senior students are responsible for this. The microwave and kettle are available in the classroom. Cutlery and plates are available in the classroom and placed in big kitchen bowl to be returned to office in one trip. Senior students prepare their own food and reheated leftovers. They are expected to help junior students with their lunch.
‘Kids Can’
We are a ‘Kids Can’ school. Our children access a variety of food sponsored by suppliers making it free to the school. All food is always made available to students and they understand that they can self-manage how much of it they eat. This process is revisited several times a term. Teachers can give permission to students to stick up the class basket of snacks. Hot lunches are offered in bulk lots and cooked up in whole school batches twice a week in terms 2 and 3.
Milk in Schools
Our children have access to a carton of milk a day. The fridge is in the classroom and a student milk monitor distributes it daily. Cartons get folded for recycling in the little blue wheelie bin.